Monday 8 November 2010

Research - Audience and Industry

For my industry research I researched into the similar films to mine and discovered that the films that were about football were appreciated by many people, for example the film Bend It Like Beckham made over £46 million worldwide and the 3 Goal films made over £20 million worldwide, 4 very successful football films that have made it big. Bend It Like Beckham made £1.1 million in the first weekend in the cinemas worldwide. This shows that these types of films are extremely popular with the public and my film would be able to emulate their success.


LONDON FC MANAGER: I went to one of your training sessions recently and I was very impressed with your performance and I'd like to offer you a position at our club London FC.

SAMUEL: Ok, thanks.


I decided to film my teaser trailer at a local football courts, it was a nice enclosed space and could easily be taken as a good teams training facility. My other location was filmed in a field in a local area, this also looks good as a lot of professional teams have a field that they train in. Both these locations were good as I could film at them at any time during the day as they were always open and both were easily accessible.


I decided to use my friends that normally play football as I knew I could direct them easily and get in contact with them easy, for the London FC training I used the players that played for my local football team where we trained and just filmed one of our training sessions as London FC's training session.

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