Monday 10 January 2011

Teaser Trailer


My teaser trailer film is different to normal trailers similar to the subject as mine ends on a cliffhanger, most teaser trailers about football have the main star making it in the trailer whereas in mine I leave it on a cliffhanger with the star unsure if he has made it. However my trailer is also different as it does not have a side story accompanying the main story, normally in these type of films there is a love story happening or a death of a loved one, or both, creating more drama. If I could change my teaser trailer I would add a side story into it.

My media product uses a lot of technical equipment like the Apple iMacs and using iMovie on them as well as using a video camera for filming and a few windows programme and paintshop pro to edit the images I had taken. It has developed the way I would think about filming a teaser trailer, as I filmed the trailer I had to use various camera shots and different techniques and I was quite surprised at how many shots there were and how easily you can edit a film on iMac's to produce a professional looking trailer.

I think the combination of my main task and my ancillary tasks work well together as my ancillary's feature the same image and with the ancillary picture, the same football and boots that the young star wear are the same so it ties the two together nicely. This shows good contingency throughout my work and the link can be easily made by the public.

I learned from my audience feedback that this type of film was one of the more popular film. The drama/thriller type was liked by most and that most films in this genre went to be very successful and make lots of money.

I used a lot of new media technology like the iMacs that I used to edit my film made my trailer much easier to edit but made it seem like it was done professionally. I used the local cinema to look at recent film trailers and how they were constructed to give me inspiration to use in mine. I used a video camera in filming which is very advanced technology, especially as it is so easy to film something and go to edit it on a computer in minutes.

My trailer is similar to others because my star is form a poor football team and he rises from the ashes and becomes a star. The type of trailer is also similar to the others as they always show the main character in a positive light, never a negative light.

Both my main task and ancillary tasks fit in together well because my magazine and poster both use the same image. This looks very professional like all the other teaser trailers and posters. My poster features the football boots and football that are used in my teaser trailer, this shows good contingency throughout my coursework. There is a lot of evidence in other teaser trailer films that when the film is released you recognise certain clips or images used in advertising before the film is released.

I have learnt that there was a lot of interest from the audience, for example the other 4 football films I have done textual analysis on have been extremely popular with the audience, Bend It Like Beckham made over £40,000,000. Using idols like David Beckham in your film helps to promote and David Beckham is seen as the most advertised footballer on the planet so having him as the advertiser for your film would be a great advantage. The latest film to do this is Looking For Eric which features Manchester United legend Eric Cantona.

For my filming of my teaser trailer I used a digital camera and tripod, I then uploaded the clips onto the iMacs and used MovieMaker to edit them into my teaser trailer, this programme was fairly easy to navigate and provided a good teaser trailer. These are lots of examples of technical convergence, with the video camera not only taking videos but also able to take pictures aswell. Using all this technical equipment was helpful as I could put a lot more impressive looking items into my work.

If I could change anything about my coursework I would have filmed the London FC training better, as the trailer doesn't really show a vast amount of class from the local team to London FC which is what I wanted to show. I would have also liked to use my football and boot image in my film, possible at the end, just to show good contingency. I would also plan my time carefully and have miniature deadlines to meet to make sure my coursework was completed on time and to a better standard.


This is my storyboard, my teaser trailer changed quite a bit from this as I only had 2 minutes to make a trailer, so I had to cut a few bits out, like the walking down the road scene. In the end I decided to go with a few short clips of goals being scored and a brief conversation between the London FC manager and the young rising football star.


This is my magazine front cover, I tried to stick to the original image but found it difficult so I had to improvise but I mainly stuck to the hand drawn design. I choose the colour scheme because it seemed to work well and the yellow sub captions capture your eye and make you read them.


This is my Poster, I was going to use the same image in my teaser trailer but i wouldn't have fitted in so i decided to use the same football and wear the same boots throughout the filming. I have generally stuck with my hand drawn design with the main image of the boot and football and the grassy background, I have also used a quote from football legend Pele. I hope this will inspire people to watch it.